About Us

Why did we start this brand? My journey into the world of fashion began in a relative's clothing factory, a small-scale apparel manufacturing business that often fulfilled orders for fast-fashion brands. During production, we frequently encountered designs that seemed unreasonable: garments that required complete removal for bathroom use, overly revealing children's wear, and sizes that were far too small. When we offered our feedback, the response from the brands was disheartening: "Consumers don't know what they want to wear. They'll just buy whatever we sell them." "If the clothes don't fit, it's the consumer's fault for not having the right body."

As someone who has always loved fashion, I was shocked and appalled by the arrogance of these statements. I also noticed that many designers and manufacturers wanted to create clothing that consumers would love, but they struggled to find channels to showcase and sell their work, often barely making ends meet.

This is where our journey began. We united a group of creative and compassionate individuals with a genuine desire to love people. We aimed to create a brand that sincerely listens to every piece of consumer feedback, using our expertise to meet their needs while aligning with current fashion aesthetics. This is the essence of our brand, Exarus.

We've built a small but loyal fan base on Amazon and listened intently to the voices of more consumers. Inspired by ethical and successful brands like Everlane, we've refined our mission: To be Timelessly Nice, Inclusive, and help People Be Happy. Here's how we're striving toward that goal

Well-Being: Our ultimate aim to be nice is rooted in bringing happiness to people. By understanding fashion trends and actively searching for elements that make wearers feel more confident and joyful, we've discovered through scientific research the positive impact of Dopamine Dressing and exercise on happiness. Hence, we created our flagship series, Athflow, featuring vibrant colors and designs suitable for both sports and everyday wear, allowing people to effortlessly elevate their mood.

Environmental Responsibility: Annually, we sell millions of products and were once overwhelmed by the sight of plastic packaging everywhere. Although international shipping presents complex challenges due to weather and environmental changes, making it hard to replace plastic entirely, we've managed to reduce the size of our plastic packaging bags from 27x36cm to 16x10cm, cutting plastic use by 84%. Not every product can be packaged this small, but overall, we've reduced plastic use by 70%.

Water Conservation in Denim Washing: Water scarcity is a pressing issue worldwide. Influenced by Levi’s and the latest water-saving technologies in washing machines, we've incorporated ozone and other water-saving processes in our washing method, cutting water usage by a quarter. Our approach ensures light water usage without compromising on style or color intensity.

Worker Conditions: As part of the clothing design and production community, we often share meals with our workers, help package clothes together, and occasionally hang out. We care about their working conditions and income. Where financially feasible, we've installed air conditioning in every workshop to ensure comfort regardless of the season. As for wages, we're open about earnings, celebrating success as a team.

Transparency: We are committed to transparent pricing, starting with our best seller. We believe you deserve to know the love and dedication woven into every product, despite the difficulty in quantifying some expenses like design and testing. Here's a breakdown of our core product's profit structure, aiming for transparency and affordability in our efforts, inspired by Everlane.

Inclusivity: We strive to make no one feel excluded from our products. For every successful product, we expand its size range as much as possible, hoping everyone can find their perfect fit. In the future, as our supply chain matures or upon strong customer demand, we aim to offer custom-made garments for those who can't find their size.

This is our mission, our drive, and our promise—to create a brand that listens, loves, and acts ethically, making fashion inclusive and joyful for everyone.

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